The Kidmin Tribe Podcast | Episode 026

Saying Yes with Christie Penner Worden

Show Notes


Today on the podcast we have as a guest Christie Penner Worden who is the North American Director for RaiseUP Faith. With a focus on equipping and coaching, resourcing and training, Christie is a strategic leader who is passionate about discipling children, empowering leaders and providing effective support to those who love and serve today’s kids. Christie is a credentialed pastor with the BIC denomination, has the Engage Certificate in Children’s Ministry through Bethel Seminary, and is a certified coach with The International Network of Children’s Ministry (INCM). 

Christie is an international speaker and writer, sharing her wonder and what-ifs with dreamers and doers alike, with organizations including David C. Cook, Ministry Spark, INCM, New Wine, KidzMatter, KidBuilders, Awesome KidMin Community, Lead Volunteers, Collide Kids Podcast, Bible Talk, Jesus Collective, and local churches across Canada.

From writing articles to hosting weekend-long workshops, Christie can generally be found somewhere in the future where the Church is thriving and the contribution of every generation is the very definition of unity in One Body. It is as a wife, mama bear to three (mostly) delightful cubs, and part-time unicorn that Christie found her own voice as an advocate for the silent Church: the grand vision shared by children everywhere for a world where all are welcome, included, loved, and celebrated.


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Follow: Christie Penner Worden |     

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The Kidmin Tribe Podcast is a legacy podcast helping Children’s Pastors, Volunteers and Leaders plan, create and execute incredible, life-changing Kids Worship Experiences.

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