The Making Sunday Happen Podcast | Episode 031
How to Provide a Clear On-Ramp for New Volunteers
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Show Notes:
This week’s content is a follow-up to what I talked about last week. On the last episode, we tackled the Number One question I get asked as I am traveling speaking and coaching to media production teams around the country and that is, “how do we get new volunteers on our team?”. I’m going to share with you how to provide a clear on-ramp for new volunteers that join your team. What do I mean by “on-ramp”? I mean the pathway or the funnel or the steps someone who shows interest in your team can get from interest to a well-trained veteran volunteer on your team.
Here is the “On-Ramp” for New Volunteers I discussed in this Episode:
- Church Membership or Ownership Class.
- Opportunities Tours.
- Production First Look.
- BASICS Training.
I mentioned these blog posts in this episode of the show:
- How To Provide a Clear On-Ramp for New Volunteers
- How To Provide Serving Opportunities Tours
- How To Provide a Production First Look
- How To Provide Consistent Training Opportunities for Your Production Team
Sharable Content:
I want you to have the resources you need to lead your volunteer team well. That’s why in nearly every episode of the podcast I like to provide you with downloadable, sharable content that you can take back and use as you lead your teams. This content is absolutely FREE of charge. You can take it, copy it, and distribute it to your team members. May God bless your ministry as you serve Him.
Click Here to Download a FREE Show Outline of this Episode.
Click Here to Download my FREE .PDF “How to Provide a Clear On-Ramp for New Volunteers”
Follow Carl Barnhill on Twitter: @CarlBarnhill
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Suggested Tweet: "What is the pathway a new volunteer gets from interest in your team to veteran? @carlbarnhill"
Suggested Tweet: "You have to know and be involved in how new volunteers get into your ministry. @carlbarnhill"
Suggested Tweet: "You have to be the most passionate about getting new people onto your team. @carlbarnhill"
About the Show
The Making Sunday Happen Podcast is the definitive podcast for those who plan, create and execute Worship Experiences all around the world. This is a legacy podcast where we interviewed hundreds of pastors, authors, worship leaders, and church production staff.
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