The Making Sunday Happen Podcast | Episode 381

The Ups and Downs of Ministry with Ryan Hollingsworth

Show Notes

Show Notes:

Today we welcome Ryan Hollingsworth to the podcast. Ryan is the Creative Director at Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC.

We’re talking with Ryan today about the ups and downs of ministry. He has been in the game a while and will try to speak to some topics that ministry leaders face when it comes to staying in ministry for the long haul.

You might have noticed on the podcast, that Making Sunday Happen involves so much more than knowing the right button to push – it’s about people. Taking care of people – both who we serve and who we serve with. And even taking care of ourselves. So you’ll notice episodes in our podcast library about self care and how to deal with the emotional and spiritual pressure of Sunday or the Weekend as well as just the how.

Ryan will be talking about Recognition, Validation, Contentment, Ambition, persevering during hardship in ministry and more.


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Follow: Carl Barnhill | [email protected] |      

Follow: Ryan Hollingsworth | Elevation Church |    

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About the Show

The Making Sunday Happen Podcast is the definitive podcast for those who plan, create and execute Worship Experiences all around the world. This is a legacy podcast where we interviewed hundreds of pastors, authors, worship leaders, and church production staff.

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